The WL Toys 124019 RC is a 1/12th scale 4WD for both on and offroad buggy use. It has an all-metal chassis with metal-reinforced suspension mounts and oil-filled shocks.
A strong and robust buggy that is able to handle any type of terrain be it on-road or off-road and recover from your average crash.
The well-balanced RC wIth an aluminum chassis and motor mount that still comes in at a lightweight 960grams.
While the top-end speed can be limited using a dial on the remote, this upgraded model is capable of exceeding 55klms.
Not to be confused with the similar-looking 1/14th scale WLToys 144001. The WL Toys 124019 RC buggy has a longer wheelbase, larger capacity battery, and shimmed diffs for less play, and greater contact reducing failure.
The 124019 has corrected shock oil levels improving shock absorber travel and reducing chances of leaking shocks due to seal pressure blowouts. Ultimately giving this RC longer play between maintenance.
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Not only does the aluminum chassis strengthen the underbody, but key components mount to it including the motor mount. In addition instead of leaving clearance between the motor and chassis, WL Toys has applied thermal paste between the two.
This reduces the heat most brushed motors experience as the whole chassis is used as one big heat sink so it draws and reduces stored heat.
As the aluminum chassis provides more strength and less flex the 124019 is longer and provides more room for ESC mounting and potential future upgrades.
The 550 brushed motor is powerful and delivers acceleration in a smooth and constant fashion. The components are also well placed and balanced so this RC is easier to control be it straight line, jumps, or corners while very competitively priced at an affordable price bracket.
The larger 2200mAh is a big improvement over the older 1500mAh and with heat management improvements helps the WL Toys 124019 RC deliver a solid 12+ minutes of constant use.
While key components have been upgraded given that this remote control car/ buggy can reach serious speeds, any high-speed impact damage will likely be contained to easily replaceable suspension components.